Bubble Trubble... Cold and Flu
Bubbles! Who doesn't like bubbles? They say that the act of blowing bubbles and watching them as they gracefully dance in the air does good for our health by relaxation. Great stress relief right?
Not today.
Today bubbles gave this Grandma stress! NO way you say! yesssss.. stress.
I live in North eastern lower Michigan.. winter seems to last for 5 months here most years and today was 21 degrees with a wind chill of 9. That is much too cold for a three year old to have play time outside! So Grandma got out the bubbles.
Lovely colored bottles filled with beautiful soap and a collection of wands and a three year old squealing with joy! One would think it was summer in my dinning room! Of course Ollie the dog and Boomer the cat had to join in on the bubble popping fun. I am blowing as many bubbles as fast as I can to make as many bubbles as possible.. because that is what my Grandson likes.. "millinz bubble gandma!"
Then Grandma had to stop.. to blow her nose. Leo, my grandson waits and asks me if I "get the boogers out?... little ones are precious!
The sheer horror hit me... I have a bit of a cold coming on.. slight soar throat, sinuses completely plugged one minute.. draining the next...
We all know what to do in order to not spread a cold...cover our mouth when we sneeze and cough.. hand sanitizers .. disinfectants are used on door knobs, phones and the such...you know.. we have all seen those clorox clean-up commercials...and I have been taking allllllll the preventative measures because the one thing that can make an adult feel COMPLETELY helpless.. it is a little one that is sick.. and I didn't want the joy of my life sick.. nope no no no!
What about bubbles? They are soap.. germs don't like soap right?... bubbles are filled with the air directly from my congested chest.. germy mouth .. and these bubbles are getting popped as fast as I can blow them!
I hear you - I am bad for updating mine also